Sickness, absence and long-term sickness
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No matter how committed and enthusiastic your employees are, there will always be the odd day here and there where they are sick and can’t come into work.
They could be off for a short period of time such as with a migraine or they could be off for longer, i.e. more than 4 continuous weeks with something more serious – this is known as long term sickness.
Our sickness, absence and long-term sickness documents provide a comprehensive set of letters and documents that will guide you through the process step-by step, including a back to work interview form and the all-important and legally compliant documents you need including those required to request your employee’s medical records.
Download our easy-to-use letters that will provide you with everything you need to manage an employee through a sickness and absence process and ensure you’re doing it in line with legislation.

Sickness invite to absence meeting letter
This letter lays out what needs to be said when inviting an employee to an absence meeting whereby they have been absent from work on a long term basis and they have already attended an occupational health assessment.
Download our easy-to-use letter inviting your employee to a long term sickness absence review meeting that will ensure you are completing it in line with your legal obligations.

Sickness requesting consent for occupational health assessment letter
If you want your employee assessed by an occupational health specialist, you are required to have their consent to do so.
Download our easy-to-use letter to request consent for an occupational health assessment that will provide you with the wording to be used when asking for permission from you employee, and which will ensure you are completing it in line with your legal obligations.

Sickness requesting consent to access medical reports letter
If you want to request your employees medical report from their GP or similar it is a legal requirement to have their consent.
Download our easy-to-use letter to request consent from an employee that will provide you with the wording to be used when asking for permission from you employee, and which will ensure you are completing it in line with your legal obligations.

FREE Back to work interview form
So what do you do when your employee returns from being off sick, whether that be short or long term? This is where our back to work interview form comes in.
Our form is easy to follow and provides you with the areas that need to be discussed during an employee’s back to work interview – which, in-line with best practice, should take place on their first day back.
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