Employment contracts
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Having robust, compliant employment contracts for all your staff is a legal requirement and essential for all businesses regardless of how many staff you have, whether they are working full time, part time, on shifts or working from home.
Since April 2020, employment legislation has been amended requiring all employers to provide contracts of employment and full employment details to their new employees before their start date.
Previously employers were able to provide a basic statement of terms and conditions within 8 weeks of the employee starting, however that has changed now, and all preliminary employment documentation must be sent out and agreed with the employee prior to them starting. This has significantly increased the amount of pre-employment documentation and administration required under updated employment legislation, however if done right, will minimise risks of unwanted disputes in the future.
Contracts of Employment lay out the terms under which the employment will be based and also other key areas such as confidentiality, non-compete and non-solicitation clauses to name a few.
Download our easy-to-use Contract of Employment templates that have been designed by qualified solicitors, are compliant, up to date with current employment legislation and go above and beyond what is required so that your business is protected.

Contract of Employment – Part Time

Contract of Employment – Full Time

Contract of Employment – Fixed Term

Contract of Employment – Homeworker
Featured Documents
Employee Handbook
Employee Capability
Disciplinary Documents
Contractual Changes
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