Redundancy Process
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Download our easy-to-use Redundancy Process documents and guidance notes.
They have been designed by qualified solicitors, are compliant and up to date with current employment legislation, and give you a step by step guide to managing a redundancy process which will ensure you are completing it in line with your legal obligations.
Unsure which documents you require? Contact us today on 0161 443 4170 and one of our HR professionals will be happy to help you.
Post COVID-19 Redundancy Process, Paperwork & Guidance Pack
We are living in unprecedented times. With the economy and business effectively on hold since early last year, businesses of all sizes and in all industries are having to make tough decisions to try to keep the business moving and as many people employed as possible.
When the UK Governments Furlough scheme finishes at the end of September, thousands of business across the UK will be looking at how they need to restructure in order to be successful in the new world of work. Unfortunately, employee redundancies will be something many businesses may have to consider.
The redundancy process is difficult for both employers and employees so doing it the ‘right way’ is critical. Businesses that make redundancies must follow UK employment legislation to ensure your employment responsibilities are met. Redundancy legislation is complex, and the process depends on several factors, including how many people you are making redundant and the roles they do.
For example, one of the key factors in what process you must follow is based on the number of employees you are making redundant over a 90-day period. More than 20 employees in any 90-day period adds another element of complexity compared to if you are just making one employee redundant.
To help businesses that are making less than 20 redundancies over a 90-day period, we have designed a complete Redundancy Process that will help you follow UK employment legislation and ensure you follow the correct procedures. This package contains process guidance notes and a complete set of letter templates that will allow you to navigate and manage the difficult process of employee redundancies. Documents included are:
- Redundancy Process Step By Step Guidance Notes
- Typical Questions & Answers
- No Selection Criteria Required Letter Templates
- Redundancy Process Selection Criteria Required Letter Template
- Redundancy Process Selection Criteria Selection Matrix Template
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