Paternity Leave
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As an employer, you are obliged by law, to provide paternity leave to your employees in line with legislation.
If you don’t manage the process correctly you could leave yourself and your business exposed. It’s not only expectant mothers that you need to accommodate but also expectant fathers.
Employees are entitled to Paternity Leave regardless of length of service however are only eligible for Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) if they have worked for your company for 26 weeks or more by the end of the 15th week before the expectant week of childbirth.
Download our easy-to-use Paternity Leave documents that will provide you with a step by step guide in managing an employee through paternity leave, and which will ensure you are completing it in line with your legal obligations.
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FREE Paternity Leave Notification Form
Employees are entitled to Paternity Leave regardless of length of service, so once an employee has told you that they are expecting you will need to complete with them a Paternity Leave Notification Form which will be held in your employees’ personnel file.
Our form is easy to use and will provide you with everything you need to formalise the Paternity Leave.
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Not entitled to SPP
Employees are entitled to Paternity Leave regardless of length of service however are only eligible for Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) if they have worked for your company for 26 weeks or more by the end of the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth.
Our Paternity Leave Letter (NOT entitled to SPP) will keep you compliant with employment legislation, is easy to use and should be sent to your employee if they DO NOT qualify for Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP).
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Entitled to SPP
Employees are entitled to Paternity Leave regardless of length of service however are only eligible for Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) if they have worked for your company for 26 weeks or more by the end of the 15th week before the expectant week of childbirth.
Our Paternity Leave Letter (entitled to SPP) will keep you compliant with employment legislation, is easy to use and should be sent to your employee if they qualify for Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP).
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