Contractual Changes
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What do you do when you need to make updates or changes to an employee’s contract?
During the course of your staff’s employment, they are likely to require contractual changes made to their terms and conditions, such as promotions or salary alterations. So how do you do this in-line with employment legislation to protect yourself against any future risks? Firstly, it’s very important that you detail these changes in writing so that your employee knows exactly what’s happening! It’s very unsettling when an employee’s role changes and they don’t have anything in writing to confirm what’s changed. Communication is the key! Happier staff are more productive staff. Secondly, you need to follow a clear, compliant process.
Download our easy-to-use Contractual changes documents that will provide you with a step by step guide in managing any contractual changes that need to be made for an employee, and which will ensure you are completing it in line with your legal obligations.

FREE Change of Line Manager Letter
The template to use to send to an employee if there is to be a change of line manager.

Change of Job Title Letter
The template to use to send to an employee if there is to be a change in their job title.

Change of Job Role Letter
The template to use to send to an employee if there is to be a change in their job role, this could include a promotion or a change of hours.

Salary increase letter
The template to use when giving an employee an increase to their salary.
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Contractual Changes
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